One Perfect Morning

该资源由用户: 邻家昌黎 上传  举报不良内容

The deadliest secrets lie closest to home... `Wow, wow, WOW!! It`s 3.15am and I have just finished this amazing book after not being able to put it down!` NetGalley Reviewer `I was blown away. If you loved Big Little Lies, you`ll love this!` NetGalley Reviewer `The opening of this book goes from 0 to 100, instantly drawing you in: a serene and peaceful setting to "woahhh I have GOT to see what happens here"` NetGalley Reviewer Mackenzie, Robin and Lily have been best friends since college. Twenty years on, they all live in the same neighbourhood with their perfect families, perfect houses, perfect lives... It would seem that nothing could come between these three women.Except for a betrayal. Nothing could turn them against each other.Except for a terrible past mistake. Nothing could tear them apart.Except for murder.... One dead husband. Three best friends who tell each other everything – apart from the truth... Packed with secrets, scandal and suspense, One Perfect Morning is...

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Perfect Morning


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One Perfect Morning
