Effective Python: 90 Specific Ways to Write Better Python (Effective Software Development Series)
Python Cookbook(第3版)中文版
21天学通Python(不含光盘) (21天学编程系列)
Flask Web Development: Developing Web Applications With Python
Beginning Sensor Networks with XBee, Raspberry Pi, and Arduino: Sensing the World with Python and MicroPython
Python数据科学速查表 - Spark RDD 基础
EXPLORE ESP32 MICROPYTHON: Python Coding, Arduino Coding, Raspberry Pi, ESP8266, IoT Projects, Android Application Projects
父与子的编程之旅:与小卡特一起学Python (图灵程序设计丛书)
Python网络爬虫权威指南(第 2 版)
NLTK基础教程 用NLTK和Python库构建机器学习应用
Head First Python(中文版·第2版)