OpenGL game programming

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OpenGL is an application programming interface (API) that exposes hardware features needed to create computer graphics. Unlike Microsoft`s Direct3D, which only works on Windows, OpenGL works across all platforms. OpenGL Game Programming is a complete guide to game development using the OpenGL graphics API. Myriad examples are included to demonstrate various concepts such as coloring, texture mapping, blending, lighting, coordinate transforms, 3D modeling, collision detection, and several other key concepts involved in game development. It also covers how to integrate the non-graphical elements of Microsoft`s DirectX into OpenGL games so that users can incorporate sound, music, and networking functions. Teaching users how to use OpenGL to create dynamic 3D environments and effects for use in game development, this book covers all the fundamentals so that users can program OpenGL API to its fullest potential. Anyone interested in game development will find the information in this book invaluable as they begin to create dynamic game graphics. Series editor André LaMothe has published numerous magazine articles and is an international best-selling author with over six game programming and 3D graphics titles to his credit. He has been active in the computing industry for more than twenty years, during which he created one of the world`s first commercially available virtual reality games, CyberGate. André is also the founder and CEO of Xtreme Games LLC.

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OpenGL game programming


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OpenGL game programming
