Myths: Decode: v. 1 (Decode Books)

该资源由用户: 蒙德胜超 上传  举报不良内容

"Myths" is a visual and written exploration on the subject of myths. It contains contributions from writers, illustrators, designers, photographers and artists from around the world who have each responded to the theme in their own unique way.The book is important as it approaches the theme in various ways but also includes interviews with artists who have been inspired by myths in some way - furthering our understanding and appreciation for myths within an artistic context. The book should appeal to an audience who value aesthetics both in design terms and creative content. The area of myths is one of interest to most people but the originality and wide investigation of the theme in this book should offer further insights to readers. The book also benefits from its eclectic international content and strong sense of creative community. Read more... Abstract: "Myths" is a visual and written exploration on the subject of myths. It contains contributions from writers, illustrators, designers, photographers and artists from around the world who have each responded to the theme in their own unique way.The book is important as it approaches the theme in various ways but also includes interviews with artists who have been inspired by myths in some way - furthering our understanding and appreciation for myths within an artistic context. The book should appeal to an audience who value aesthetics both in design terms and creative content. The area of myths is one of interest to most people but the originality and wide investigation of the theme in this book should offer further insights to readers. The book also benefits from its eclectic international content and strong sense of creative community

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Decode Myths Books


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Myths: Decode: v. 1 (Decode Books)
