Transcriptional Regulation in Eukaryotes: Concepts, Strategies and Techniques

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In the genome era, the analysis of gene expression has become a critical requirement in many laboratories. But there has been no comprehensive source of strategic, conceptual, and technical information to guide this often complex task. Transcriptional Regulation in Eukaryotes answers that need. Written by two experienced investigators, Michael Carey and Stephen Smale at the UCLA School of Medicine, and based in part on the Gene Expression course taught at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, this book directly addresses all the concerns of a laboratory studying the regulation of a newly isolated gene and the biochemistry of a new transcription factor. Chapter 1 reviews the state-of-the-art in the RNA polymerase II transcription field; Chapters 2–10 are a systematic guide to the investigation of regulatory mechanisms for newly identified genes; Chapters 11–15 discuss approaches for synthesizing recombinant transcription factors, analyzing their binding, and deciphering their mode of action. Transcriptional Regulation in Eukaryotes reveals not only what to do but why, and how to plan properly for success. This approach is ideal for graduate students, physician-scientists, postdocs, and others entering the field, but is also valuable for established investigators undertaking in-depth studies in specific systems.

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Transcriptional Regulation Eukaryotes Concepts Strategies Techniques


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Transcriptional Regulation in Eukaryotes: Concepts, Strategies and Techniques
