The SketchUp workflow for architecture: modeling buildings, visualizing design, and creating construction documents with SketchUp Pro and LayOut

该资源由用户: 若翠公子 上传  举报不良内容

"This book is for architects and related design professionals who want to take their SketchUp use to the next level. In-depth tips and techniques show users how to use SketchUp and its related suite of tools in every stage of the design process. The author presents a flexible workflow that makes common design tasks easier and allows users to incorporate varying degrees of SketchUp use into their design process. Included are best practices for organizing projects, drafting schematics. A section devoted to LayOut guides readers through an often underused component of SketchUp Pro. Tutorial videos compliment the book, demonstrating some of the more advanced methods"--   Abstract: "This book is for architects and related design professionals who want to take their SketchUp use to the next level. In-depth tips and techniques show users how to use SketchUp and its related suite of tools in every stage of the design process. The author presents a flexible workflow that makes common design tasks easier and allows users to incorporate varying degrees of SketchUp use into their design process. Included are best practices for organizing projects, drafting schematics. A section devoted to LayOut guides readers through an often underused component of SketchUp Pro. Tutorial videos compliment the book, demonstrating some of the more advanced methods"

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SketchUp workflow architecture modeling buildings visualizing design creating construction documents


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The SketchUp workflow for architecture: modeling buildings, visualizing design, and creating construction documents with SketchUp Pro and LayOut
