Spanish Among Amigos Phrasebook: Conversational Spanish for the Socially Adventurous

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Spanish Among Amigos Phrasebook is aimed at people who already have a little Spanish under their belts. It`s geared to anyone who wants to get beyond "survival" Spanish and really start conversing and making "amigos".This one-of-a-kind phrasebook provides readers with all the tools they need to carry on a conversation. Apart from comprehensive lists of ready-to-go-phrases that will get the reader sounding like a native, the phrasebook offers grammar pointers, insights into Spanish culture, notes on idioms and slang, and tips on avoiding common blunders. It also contains true-to-life conversations "among amigos" featuring Pepa and Pili, two sassy young women from Madrid, and their friend Mark, an American whose Spanish doesn`t quite measure up. Readers also have the chance to practice the phrases in fill-in-the-blank dialogues at the end of each unit.

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Spanish Among Amigos Phrasebook Conversational Socially Adventurous


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Spanish Among Amigos Phrasebook: Conversational Spanish for the Socially Adventurous
