The Transplantation and Replacement of Thoracic Organs The Present Status of Biological and Mechanical Replacement of the Heart and Lungs

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The second edition of this volume reflects the major developments that have taken place in the field of thoracic organ transplantation and replacement since the first edition was published in 1990. With the exception of the `historical` chapters, every chapter has been extensively rewritten and updated and many new chapters have been added. The rapid growth of single and bilateral lung transplantation and the increasing use of left ventricular assist devices for long-term support are reflected in the text. Considerable emphasis has been placed on the current experimental and clinical developments taking place in both transplantation and mechanical replacement of organs, thus providing a preview of the clinical advances that are anticipated within the next few years. The volume contains 90 chapters that are grouped into four main areas: (i) general considerations of thoracic organ transplantation, (ii) heart transplantation, (iii) lung and heart--lung transplantation, and (iv) current and future advances in thoracic organ replacement. The editors, who bring a wealth of expertise and experience, have blended together superb contributions by 130 authors who include many of the world`s experts in their fields. This volume provides by far the most comprehensive review of this subject that has been published to date. For those entering this field of medicine, it will provide a sound and extensive basis of information; for those already experienced, it will prove an invaluable source of reference and update for many years to come. This volume `provides an invaluable and unparalleled source of information for those concerned with heart and lung medicine or surgery, and is essential reading for all who wish to keep abreast of the developments in this field`. (From the Preface to the Second Edition by Christiaan N. Barnard).

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Replacement Transplantation Thoracic Organs Present Status Biological Mechanical Heart Lungs


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The Transplantation and Replacement of Thoracic Organs The Present Status of Biological and Mechanical Replacement of the Heart and Lungs
