Cancer in Transplantation: Prevention and Treatment: Proceedings of the 27th Conference on Transplantation and Clinical Immunology, 22–24 May 1995

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Malignancies are frequent complications in organ transplantation, mainly as the result of infection with certain viruses and of long-term immunosuppression. The epidemiology confirms that the increased incidence concerns certain cancers, especially HIV-related skin cancers and EBV-related lymphoproliferative malignancies. This book covers all currently available information on this important topic of the relationships between transplantation and malignancies: preexisting cancers, posttransplant cancers, their etiology and pathophysiology, their prevention and treatment. A significant part of the volume is devoted to prophylaxis, early detection and modern forms of therapy in posttransplant lymphomas. As a conclusion of all these new data, the theory of immunosurveillance deserves to be significantly modified.

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Transplantation Cancer Prevention Treatment Proceedings 27th Conference Clinical Immunology 22


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Cancer in Transplantation: Prevention and Treatment: Proceedings of the 27th Conference on Transplantation and Clinical Immunology, 22–24 May 1995
