D-Day And The Battle For Normandy 2020

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There are very few moments in history in which you can see the shape ofworld events shift in just 24 hours. D-Day was one ofthose rare occasions. Although the Second World War would rumble on for another year, June 1944 marked the beginning ofthe end. Its fallout was felt across the globe. Looking back with the comfort ofhindsight, it’s easy to forget that, in 1944, the success of an Allied invasion was no foregone conclusion. The night before the landings, Dwight Eisenhower, supreme Allied commander, drafted short message for the invading forces. Scrawled in pencil, it accepted all responsibility for the failure ofthe invasion and the withdrawal ofAllied troops from France. As it turned out, the note was never needed it remained tucked in Eisenhower`s wallet. The scale ofthe operation was mind-boggling. It was massive enterprise, reliant on the contributions of countless men and women, from infantrymen and paratroopers to pilots, scientists, factory workers and Resistance agents. Released to mark the 75th anniversary year ofthe landings, this special edition brings together some ofthose incredible personal stories, charting the dramatic events of June 1944 hour by hour, and the bitter battle to liberate Nazi-occupied France that followedEllie Cawthorne, Editor

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Day Battle Normandy 2020


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D-Day And The Battle For Normandy 2020
