Dancing With Death: The True Story of a Glamorous Showgirl, Her Wealthy Husband, and a Horrifying Murder

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Phoenix, Arizona, 2004. Former stripper turned suburban housewife Marjorie Orbin filed a missing person’s report on her husband. She claimed that Jay, a successful art dealer, had left town on business after celebrating their son’s birthday more than a month before. Jay loved his family more than life itself—and no one believed he would ever abandon them. Authorities suspected foul play…A WIFE LYING IN WAITThe search for Jay made local headlines. But key elements in Marjorie’s story still weren’t adding up: Why did she wait so long before going to police? If Jay was away on business, as she claimed, why were there charges made to his credit card in Phoenix? Then, the unthinkable happened.A SHOCKING DISCOVERYJay’s headless, limbless torso was discovered on the outskirts of the Phoenix desert—and all evidence pointed to Marjorie as the killer. Soon, an exhaustive investigation would reveal surprising new details about her life—six previous marriages, an ongoing and passionate affair with a man from her gym, alleged ties to the New York mafia, a drug habit—and lead to her conviction for the murder and dismemberment of her seventh husband.With 8 pages of dramatic photos

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Dancing Death True Story Glamorous Showgirl Her Wealthy Husband Horrifying


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Dancing With Death: The True Story of a Glamorous Showgirl, Her Wealthy Husband, and a Horrifying Murder
