Teach Yourself Beginners Mandarin Chinese

该资源由用户: 凤凰院亚美 上传  举报不良内容

In one form or another, Chinese is the language the most spoken in the world. Although it has many spoken forms, they are all written in exactly the same way. This volume teaches Modern Standard Chinese which is understood by more Chinese speakers than any other form of the language. Designed for people who want to learn Chinese but who are daunted by the prospect of complicated grammar, classes and coursebooks, this course starts right from the beginning, explaining everything in simple English. There are hints throughout to make learning easy and you can learn at your own pace with plenty of practice of each new point. It is a friendly introduction to the language which should help you to understand and speak Chinese sufficiently well to function effectively in basic everyday situations, both social and business. The course also offers an insight into Chinese culture and offers the opportunity for you to find out something about the Chinese writing system if you want to. The book is divided into two main parts. Units one to ten introduce you to the basic structures and grammatical points you`ll need in everyday situations. Units 12-21 deal with everyday situations such as booking into a hotel, changing money, seeing a doctor and being entertained in a Chinese home. They give you the opportunity to put into practice and consolidate the language you have learnt in the first ten units. Unit 11 is a special unit designed to give you the chance to find out something about the origin of Chinese characters and to have a taste of what`s involved in reading and writing them. If you would rather miss this unit out and concentrate on speaking and listening, you can do so without it affecting your understanding of the other units. All the Chinese in other units is given in the official system of romanization. By the end of the course you should be able to communicate in a wide range of real-life situations and have all the practical information you need to enjoy your next trip to China.

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Teach Yourself Beginners Mandarin Chinese


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Teach Yourself Beginners Mandarin Chinese
