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DK Eyewitness Travel Guide: Croatia will lead you straight to the best attractions Croatia has to offer. Packed with information, detailed maps, beautiful cutaways, and floor plans of all of the major sites, and covering everything from its food and culture to the gorgeous Mediterranean beaches, this guide explores every facet of Croatia that makes it a must visit. Find its liveliest nightlife, or hike through some of the most exquisite scenery-and everything in between-with the help of DK Eyewitness Travel: Croatia, packed with essential information for travelers on different budgets. This fully updated and expanded Croatia guide provides comprehensive guidance on the best things to do in Croatia, from exploring Dubrovnik, Zagreb, and the scores of charming towns and villages to which local wine to order with your meal. The DK Eyewitness Travel Guide: Croatia provides all the insider tips every visitor to Croatia needs, with dozens of reviews for hotels, recommendations for Croatian restaurants and entertainment, and tips for shopping. Don`t miss a thing on your vacation with the DK Eyewitness Travel guidebook to Croatia. HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE: Packed with photographs, illustrations, and maps Cutaways and floor plans of all the major sights 3D aerial views of the city`s most interesting districts Huge selection of hotels, restaurants, stores, and entertainment venues

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