Tom Swift and His Space Solartron (Book 13 in the Tom Swift Jr series)

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A MIGHTY TASK faces Tom Swift Jr. in his exciting, new project - colonization of the moon. To accomplish this astounding feat, Tom must perfect his latest invention, the matter maker, which will be essential for life on the moon. Not only must this amazing solartron manufacture oxygen and fuel, but also food and other materials in sufficient quantity to support the moon pioneers for some time.From the moment the young scientist-adventurer starts planning for this daring venture, danger and mysterious happenings plague almost every step of his progress. A crushing blow comes when he discovers that one of the solartron`s precious secrets has fallen into the hands of an unscrupulous scientific group. Unwilling to admit defeat, Tom and Mr. Swift proceed to their Outpost in Space to conduct crucial tests on the matter maker.Just as success seems assured, the young scientist suffers the most devastating blow of all when his father mysteriously vanishes in the dark void of endless space. Frantic, Tom instigates a search that leads to the farthest planets.As you read this taut, nerve-tingling story of Tom`s exploits, you will live every tense moment of his triumphs and electrifying adventures.

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Tom Swift His Space Solartron Book 13 Jr series


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Tom Swift and His Space Solartron (Book 13 in the Tom Swift Jr series)
