That Hound Dont Hunt: Magic and Mayhem Universe (Maidens of Mayhem)

该资源由用户: 暗月寺易容 上传  举报不良内容

Take…Seventeen screaming Shifters without a smidgen of sense…Five feathered femme fatales led by the most fantastic fuchsia Flamingo…One broken-down, bramble-covered, behemoth of a building called Bailmore Hall…  Add in a hot-as-homemade-sin hunk of a Hound Dog with hazel eyes who makes me huff and honk and think of humping…Throw them all together in the backass Swamp on the wrong side of Tallullu Parish, Louisiana, sprinkle with a dash of murder, a pinch of mystery, and a helluva lotta mayhem and you`ve got my life.My name`s Maxine Monroe. We are the Maidens of Mayhem. Bodies buried with twenty-four-hour notice and a picture ID. Alibis provided upon request.For our `extended stay` clients ~ padded rooms on the third floor and straight-jackets kept in the closet on the right.We`re open 24/7/365. Call 1-888-MAIDENS for your free consultation.

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Mayhem Hound Dont Hunt Magic Universe Maidens


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That Hound Dont Hunt: Magic and Mayhem Universe (Maidens of Mayhem)
