RabbitMQ in Depth

该资源由用户: 蒙德俊哲 上传  举报不良内容

SummaryRabbitMQ in Depth is a practical guide to building and maintaining message-based applications. This book provides detailed coverage of RabbitMQ with an emphasis on why it works the way it does.Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.About the TechnologyAt the heart of most modern distributed applications is a queue that buffers, prioritizes, and routes message traffic. RabbitMQ is a high-performance message broker based on the Advanced Message Queueing Protocol. It?s battle tested, ultrafast, and powerful enough to handle anything you can throw at it. It requires a few simple setup steps, and you can instantly start using it to manage low-level service communication, application integration, and distributed system message routing.About the BookRabbitMQ in Depth is a practical guide to building and maintaining message-based applications. This book provides detailed coverage of RabbitMQ with an emphasis on why it works the way it does. You`ll find examples and detailed explanations based in real-world systems ranging from simple networked services to complex distributed designs. You`ll also find the insights you need to make core architectural choices and develop procedures for effective operational management.What`s Inside AMQP, the Advanced Message Queueing ProtocolCommunicating via MQTT, Stomp, and HTTPValuable troubleshooting techniquesDatabase integration About the ReaderWritten for programmers with a basic understanding of messaging-oriented systems.About the AuthorGavin M. Roy is an active, open source evangelist and advocate who has been working with internet and enterprise technologies since the mid-90s. Technical editor James Titcumb is a freelance developer, trainer, speaker, and active contributor to open source projects.Table of Contents PART 1 - RABBITMQ AND APPLICATION ARCHITECTUREFoundational RabbitMQHow to speak Rabbit: the AMQ ProtocolAn in-depth tour of message propertiesPerformance trade-offs in publishingDon`t get messages; consume themMessage patterns via exchange routing PART 2 - MANAGING RABBITMQ IN THE DATA CENTER OR THE CLOUDScaling RabbitMQ with clustersCross-cluster message distribution PART 3 - INTEGRATIONS AND CUSTOMIZATIONUsing alternative protocolsDatabase integrations

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