The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Clothing through American History, 1900 to the Present: Volume 2, 1950-Present

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Find out what we wore and why we wore it in "The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Clothing in American History: Twentieth Century to the Present." This fascinating reference set provides two levels of information: descriptions of styles of clothes that Americans have worn and, as important, why they wore those types of clothes.Fashion influences how we view other people and how we view ourselves. Find out what we wore and why we wore it in "The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Clothing in American History - Twentieth Century to the Present." This fascinating reference set provides descriptions of styles of clothes that men, women, and children have worn since 1900, and, as important, why they wore them. In addition to chapters describing fashion trends and types of clothes, this work examines the impact that politics, culture, arts and entertainment, daily life and family structures have on fashion and how fashion can serve as an impetus for change in society. With volume one covering 1900-1949 and volume two covering 1950 to the present, the first half of each volume provides four chapters that each examine the impact that political and cultural events, arts and entertainment, daily life, and family structures have on cultural life and fashion. The second half of each volume describes the important and everyday fashion and styles of the period, decade by decade, for women, men, and children.Fashion is not for the exclusive use of the social elite and the rich, nor can it simply dismissed as mere vanity. It is much more complex than just wearing the latest styles. We use fashion to express who we are and what we think, to project an image, to bolster our confidence, and to attract partners. Research for this work was conducted through numerous primary and secondary resources on fashion and history.

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Present Greenwood Encyclopedia Clothing through American History 1900 Volume 1950


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The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Clothing through American History, 1900 to the Present: Volume 2, 1950-Present
