Dynamic Simulations of Electric Machinery: Using MATLAB-SIMULINK

该资源由用户: 五河如夏 上传  举报不良内容

I don`t think I`d want to try to teach a class from this book. I`d definitely use some material from this for creating labs in Matlab. I like this book for a reference as a professional. Lots of equations, lots of pictures, lots of functional block diagrams to knit the equations together. However, this book is dedicated to machines, not power systems. Generally for power systems you use a canned model of a generator or motor. This book is helpful for understanding the underlying model, but is not targeted to power SYSTEM simulation.(such as one would do with PSS/E or PowerFactory, or PSCAD). Still I consider it a useful addition to my library when I have to go back and understand the underlying details of the machine. To the guy who gave this one star because he didn`t get the disk with the book....I found the code on the mathworks website and downloaded it (30 seconds elapsed time from the point I said "I know its out there somewhere...")

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Dynamic Simulations Electric Machinery Using MATLAB SIMULINK


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Dynamic Simulations of Electric Machinery: Using MATLAB-SIMULINK
