Occult London (Pocket Essential series)

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More than any other city London has a secret history concealed from view. Unearthing the secret city and its forgotten inhabitants, this rediscovery encompasses a historical panorama from the Elizabethan age to the present day, introducing the magic of Dr. Dee and Simon Forman, the rise of the Kabbalah, and the occult designs of Wren and Hawksmoor. Elsewhere figures such as Spring-Heeled Jack and the Highgate Vampyre, and occult organizations from the Invisible College to the Golden Dawn are explained and explored. Also included are instructions for a series of four walks covering features of occult significance for the Elizabethan, 18th-century, Fin de Si?cle, and contemporary periods; as well as an A-to-Z geographic dictionary of London`s most resonant occult locations.

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Occult London Pocket Essential series


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Occult London (Pocket Essential series)
