该资源由用户: 雨巷少年访旋 上传 举报不良内容
This book deals with problems of multiple repeated analyses (reanalysis) of structures. It introduces various concepts and methods, and presents them in a unified approach. This should prove useful to students, researchers, consultants, and practising engineers involved in analysis and design of structures. Reanalysis is common to numerous analysis and design tasks, and it is needed in such areas as structural optimisation, damage analysis, non-linear analysis, and probabilistic analysis. The material presented in the text is related to a wide range of applications in such fields as aerospace engineering, civil engineering, mechanical engineering, and naval architecture. The book discusses various analysis models, including linear and non-linear analysis, static and dynamic analysis, and design sensitivity analysis. It presents direct as well as approximate methods, and demonstrates how various concepts and methods are integrated to achieve effective solution procedures. Previous books on structural analysis do not cover most of the material presented in the book. To clarify the presentation, many illustrative examples and numerical results are demonstrated.
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