The Unwritten Rules of Social Relationships: Decoding Social Mysteries Through the Unique Perspectives of Autism

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Dr. Temple Grandin and Sean Barron use their colorful life stories to explain the unwritten rules and patterns of social relationships. They create guidelines for living and working with others and illustrate their infinite applications, in even the most complex situations. The authors’ brilliant insights are invaluable to anyone who has ever felt "outside the norm" in school, at work, or when relating to people in general. Dr. Grandin has received enormous accolades for her best-selling book Animals in Translation: Using the Mysteries of Autism to Decode Animal Behavior , but, more often than not, it’s because she "has transformed autism from being an unfortunate disability to being an enviable advantage that many of us would give anything to experience." She and her co-author Sean Barron carry this mantle one gargantuan step further with Unwritten Rules . They give us insight into our own world like no one else has.

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Social Unwritten Rules Relationships Decoding Mysteries Through Unique Perspectives Autism


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The Unwritten Rules of Social Relationships: Decoding Social Mysteries Through the Unique Perspectives of Autism
