Sarah Winston Garage Sale 01 - Tagged for Death

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Starting your life over at age thirty-eight isn`t easy, but that`s what Sarah Winston finds herself facing when her husband CJ runs off with a 19-year-old temptress named Tiffany. Sarah`s self-prescribed therapy happily involves hitting all the garage and tag sales in and around her small town of Ellington, Massachusetts. If only she could turn her love for bargain hunting into a full-time career. One man`s junk is another man`s treasureBut after returning from a particularly successful day searching for yard sale treasures, Sarah finds a grisly surprise in one of her bags: a freshly bloodied shirt…that undoubtedly belongs to her ex, CJ, who now happens to be Ellington`s chief of police. If that`s not bad enough, it seems Tiffany has gone missing. Now it`s up to Sarah to prove that her cold-hearted ex is not a cold-blooded killer…But finding that treasure can be murder.

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Sarah Winston Garage Sale 01 Tagged Death


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Sarah Winston Garage Sale 01 - Tagged for Death
