GNSS Receivers for Weak Signals

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Many important GPS applications such as the positioning of wireless devices, tracking during ionospheric scintillation, and orbit determination of geostationary and high Earth orbit satellites require a GNSS (global navigation satellite system) receiver with the ability to work with weak signals. This first-of-its-kind book addresses this critical issue, introducing new, efficient GNSS receiver algorithms designed for weak signals and various dynamic conditions. Professionals gain working knowledge of 15 algorithms that can be easily implemented in a standalone GNSS receiver, because they don’t require information from networks or other outside sources. The algorithms presented in the book address all the main receiver functions that today’s engineers are concerned with, such as signal acquisition, fine acquisition, bit synchronization, code and carrier tracking, and navigation message decoding.

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GNSS Receivers Weak Signals


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GNSS Receivers for Weak Signals
