Pro Agile .NET Development with SCRUM

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Pro Agile .NET Development with SCRUM guides you through a real-world ASP.NET project and shows how agile methodology is put into practice. There is plenty of literature on the theory behind agile methodologies, but no book on the market takes the concepts of agile practices and applies these in a practical manner to an end-to-end ASP.NET project, especially the estimating, requirements and management aspects of a project. Pro Agile .NET Development with SCRUM takes you through the initial stages of a project--gathering requirements and setting up an environment--through to the development and deployment stages using an agile iterative approach: namely, Scrum. In the book, you`ll focus on delivering an enterprise-level ASP.NET project. Each chapter is in iterations or sprints, putting into practice the features of agile--user stories, test-driven development (TDD), behavior-driven development (BDD), continuous integration, user acceptance testing, extreme programming, Scrum, design patterns and principles, inside-out development, lean developent, KanBan boards, and more. An appendix features code katas designed for the reader to get up-to-speed with some of the features of extreme programming, while also showcasing popular open-source frameworks to assist in automated testing and mocking.  What you`ll learn Gain practical knowledge on employing the Scrum project methodology using a real-world ASP.NET project See how extreme programming features in real world .NET projects Learn best-practice tools for user interface and user acceptance testing, such as waitiN Discover details on how to capture requirements and drive development using user stories Learn how to estimate and plan agile projects and work with business stakeholders through a practical example Uncover tips for developing using the outside-in, TDD and BDD methodologies Gain information on tracking the progress of a project through burn down charts, iterations and retrospectives Who this book is for Experienced .NET developers who are looking to see how the Scrum agile project methodology and extreme programming features are employed in a real-world .NET application. Table of Contents The Art of Agile Development Managing Agile Projects with SCRUM Extreme Programming Sprint 0: Generating the Product Backlog Sprint 1: Starting a Game Sprint 2: Playing a Basic Game Sprint 3: Changing the Game Sprint 4: The Release Code Review What`s Ahead for You and Scrum? Appendix A: TDD Primer with NUnit Appendix B: BDD Primer with SpecFlow Appendix C: Mocking with Moq Appendix D: Managing a Product Backlog with Pivotal Tracker Appendix E: Web Testing with WaitiN Appendix F: Source Control with SVN Appendix G: Continuous Integration wih Cruise Control .NET

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Pro Agile NET Development SCRUM


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Pro Agile .NET Development with SCRUM
