The Perfect Present

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Make your heart merry and unwrap these delightful stories of seasonal romance . . . A CHRISTMAS LAYOVER Rochelle Alers When Navy SEAL Captain Noah Crawford and elementary school teacher Sierra Nelson meet on a plane headed east from San Diego, they`re glad to pass the time in friendly conversation. But when a freak storm grounds them, Sierra offers Noah a place to spend the night—with her extended family, all of whom assume they`re a couple. And as the holiday spirit infuses every moment they spend together, they both begin to wonder if a relationship is a special gift they didn`t expect . . . THE CHRISTMAS LESSON Cheris Hodges Kayla Matthews isn`t looking forward to heading home this Christmas. Divorced and struggling, nothing has turned out the way she expected—including her childhood friend, DeShawn Carter. Now the high school principal, he`s also the kind of man she`s always dreamed about. But before the...

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Perfect Present


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The Perfect Present
