Shining the Light I: The Battle Begins!

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"Spiritual mastery encompasses many different means to assimilate and be assimilated by the wisdom, feelings, flow, warmth, function and application of all beings in your world that you will actually contact in some way. A lot of spiritual mastery has been covered in different bits and pieces throughout all the books we`ve done. My approach to spiritual mastery, though, will be as grounded as possible in things that people on Earth can use—but it won`t include the broad spectrum of spiritual mastery, like levitation and invisibility. I`ll only teach what I think you can actually use. Very few people need levitation. You might find it amusing, but the problem is, eventually you fall asleep, float up into space and suffocate. What good it that? I`m trying to teach you things that you can actually use and benefit from. "When I talk about my life, those are the lessons in spiritual mastery—aspects of my life, and the life of any physical person. And I will discuss how I do it, how I`ve been taught and perhaps even suggestions for how you might do it. My life is basically going to represent your needs, and it gets the secrets that have been held back out in a storylike fashion, so that it is more interesting." —Speaks of Many Truths (through Robert Shapiro) "The nature of spiritual mastery is not to be completely in control, but is necessarily to not have any control. The whole point of spiritual mastery is to be in concordance, not in control. Whatever develops as you go along, moment-to-moment in your life, you are able to act or react to it on the basis of the natural foundational love that exists between all life forms. Spiritual mastery is the underpinnings of multiple ways of being and multiple ways of understanding, appreciating and interacting in harmony with your world." —Isis (through Robert Shapiro)

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Shining Light Battle Begins


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Shining the Light I: The Battle Begins!
