Measuring Access to Learning Opportunities

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Since 1968 the Elementary and Secondary School Civil Rights Compliance Report (known as the E&S survey) has been used to gather information about possible disparities in access to learning opportunities and violations of students` civil rights. Thirty-five years after the initiation of the E&S survey, large disparities remain both in educational outcomes and in access to learning opportunities and resources. These disparities may reflect violations of students` civil rights, the failure of education policies and practices to provide students from all backgrounds with a similar educational experience, or both.They may also reflect the failure of schools to fully compensate for disparities and current differences in parents` education, income, and family structure. The Committee on Improving Measures of Access to Equal Educational Opportunities concludes that the E&S survey continues to play an essential role in documenting these disparities and in providing information that is useful both in guiding efforts to protect students` civil rights and for informing educational policy and practice. The committee also concludes that the survey`s usefulness and access to the survey data could be improved.

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Measuring Access Learning Opportunities


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Measuring Access to Learning Opportunities
