Bacon: A Love Story: A Salty Survey of Everybodys Favorite Meat

该资源由用户: 邻家昌黎 上传  举报不良内容

It`s salty, smoky, and sweet. It`s experiencing a culinary renaissance. It can make almost any dish better. It`s bacon, and it`s the best meat ever. And now, here`s the book that celebrates that deliciously sinful strip of cured pork belly. In Bacon: A Love Story, popular bacon blogger Heather Lauer serves up a piping hot dish of fun and facts with this definitive love letter to what she calls meat candy. Heather explores the ins and outs of how bacon finds its way to your skillet and what to do with it when it gets there. Bacon: A Love Story features: Makin` Bacon: a tour of country-style bacon outfits and their time-honored methods and traditions. Hankering for some pepper, cinnamon, honey, jalapeño, or vanilla bourbon-flavored bacon? They`ve got it! There are also tips for making your own signature cure. "Bacon Nation": profiles of bacon-loving chefs across the country who incorporate the meat into their menus in increasingly innovative ways. There`s Bacon in This?: Heather dishes out more than twenty delicious recipes for tons of bacon goodies like Bacon-Wrapped Tator Tots, BLT with caramelized bacon, Jalapeño-Bacon Pizza, and a few surprises like Bacon Bloody Marys and Bacon Brownies. Bacon 411: an extensive resource section on all things bacon. Written in a witty, engaging style and brimming with Lauer`s infectious passion for the Best Meat Ever, Bacon: A Love Story is a must-read for anyone who loves bacon or is passionate about food.

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Bacon Love Story Salty Survey Everybodys Favorite Meat


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Bacon: A Love Story: A Salty Survey of Everybodys Favorite Meat
