Bikini Body Guide: Workouts - Exercise Traning Plan 1.0

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The Bikini Body Training Company Pty Ltd., [n.d.] — 189 p.Mission Statement.Welcome to my Bikini Body Training Guide (B.B.T.G)! Throughout my industry experience and.the more I interviewed my female clients, it became apparent that many girls were aspiring for a specific yet common look. What these girls really wanted was the confidence and positive physical change that came as a result of a healthy lifestyle. .The body type I am referring to is a far cry from the very muscular look that a lot of women obtain through other training styles and advice. I found that some trainers in this industry do not properly understand or listen to their client`s goals, and are therefore not able to advise them in a way that will help attain their client’s desired appearance or outcome. .This is my mission -I want to help as many women as possible achieve their ideal body, their confidence and their happiness! Hence, with the help of Fresh Fitness, I created this Bikini Body Training Guide. I have heard many trainers and individuals say lots of different things about how to get ‘results’ - such as what IS required, what is NOT required, shortcuts you can take and things to avoid. In this ebook, I am hoping to clear the confusion for you and focus more on YOUR specific goals.Table of Contents.Product Disclosure.About the Authors.Mission Statement.Overview.Your Weekly Workouts.Tracking Your Progress.Progress Photos.Equipment Substitutions.Note for Beginners.Workouts.Symbols.Circuits.Rehabilitation.Stretching Routines.Education.Cardio.Resistance Training.Stretching.Posture.njury Prevention.Pre-Training & Post-Pregnancy.Exercise Glossary.Circuits.Stretching.Final Remarks.

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Bikini Body Guide Workouts Exercise Traning Plan 1.0


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Bikini Body Guide: Workouts - Exercise Traning Plan 1.0
