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This series of literature readers is edited by the president of the University of Chicago Harry Pratt Judson, as to supply almost the only reading of many children, and stimulate their taste for good literature and awaken interest in a wide range of subjects.
In the Graded Literature Readers good literature has been presented as early as possible, and the classical tales and fables are largely used. Nature study has received due attention. The lessons on scientific subjects, though necessarily simple at first, preserve always a strict accuracy.
These books have been prepared with the hearty sympathy and very practical assistance of many distinguished educators in different part of the United States, including some of the most successful teachers of reading in primary, intermediated, and advanced grades.
We believe that Graded Literature Readers disclose a broader knowledge of literature, better taste and judgment in its selections.
A great consideration governing the choice of all selections has been that they shall interest children. The difficulty of learning to read is to minimized when the interest is aroused. School readers, which supply almost the only reading of many children, should stimulate a taste for good literature and awaken interest in a wide range of subjects.
—Harry Pratt Judson (The 2nd president of the University of Chicago)
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