Creating the Successful European Retail Bank (Financial Times Executive Briefings)

该资源由用户: 邻家宛旋 上传  举报不良内容

Today, retail financial service providers have far more than their traditional competitors to worry about. Competition for the consumers` wallet has become a global business powered by new business models, whilst retailers and Internet start-ups have encroached into their traditional marketplace. Meanwhile, consumer expectations are rising. What will distinguish the winners in retail financial services in the years ahead? This briefing allows you to understand the rapid pace of strategic and technological change and shows you how to respond to the opportunities to align and implement new business. Drawing on extensive primary research and featuring comprehensive case studies, it identifies the essential strategies in creating the model for the winning retail financial services provider.Contents include: * New dimensions in customer acquisition and management * Customer centric management of multiple delivery channels * Financial services and the Internet * The commercial challenge posed by the Internet * The branch * The ATM and self service kiosk * Telephone banking * The call centre * Banking online * iTV and mobile commerce -- the future of electronic delivery?

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Creating Successful European Retail Bank Financial Times Executive Briefings


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Creating the Successful European Retail Bank (Financial Times Executive Briefings)
