Deep Learning Examples with PyTorch and fastai: A Developers Cookbook

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This book will guide you through a journey on Deep Learning using the most recent version of the library (Version 2). If you install the fastai librarynow, you will always get version 2.This book will show you working examples on how to use the fastai framework for deep learning. Fastai is well suited for developers who are just starting out with deep learning as well as those who already have some background on deep learning and are familiar with the pytorch framework.You will get a quick introduction on the fastai framework and why we think it is currently one of the best frameworks for deep learning. You will also get an introduction to the google colab platform (an online application with free access to GPU).All chapters of this book are designed with a work book style in focus. You should get the code with a few lines of prosa text describing each variable of the examples. The book will not describe the theory on the algorithms that were implemented but just give you as much code as possible. You should try to replicate the examples and adapt them to suite your needs. You will get references to papers or tutorials for further reading if you are more interested in some background knowledge.The aim of developing this book was to give you an idea on how you can adapt those examples to fit your personal needs!

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Deep Learning Examples PyTorch fastai Developers Cookbook


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Deep Learning Examples with PyTorch and fastai: A Developers Cookbook
