MS325 - A - Computer Algebra

该资源由用户: 重阳东波 上传  举报不良内容

This book introduces you to Maple and shows how to apply it to a range of mathematical problems. It starts by acquainting students with basic Maple concepts and commands. Examples include plotting functions and solving short exercises involving differentiation, integration, series, vectors, matrices and ordinary differential equations. Then, by working through a number of relatively longer mathematical problems, you are taught the rudiments of programming with Maple, eventually leading up to Maple procedures (often called subroutines in other programming languages). The block finishes by taking you through a series of case studies, thus showing how Maple can be used to treat more substantial mathematical problems.This block contains exercises and activities which use a commercial software package called Maple , you are advised that you will need access to this software to allow the exercises and activities to be completed.

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MS325 Computer Algebra


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MS325 - A - Computer Algebra
