Comprehension That Works: Taking Students Beyond Ordinary Understanding to Deep Comprehension Grades K-6

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Make the most of your reading instruction through innovative approaches that will change the way you work with learners in their efforts to build comprehension skills. Developed in conjunction with the Dr. Timothy Rasinski, renowned fluency expert, this book provides background information, an explanation of reading comprehension, important research, tested strategies, differentiation ideas, tips, and more. This resource is geared towards providing you with the important information you need to help you get started with practical strategies you`ll want to implement immediately. You`ll feel empowered with a new confidence to improve reading instruction in all content areas, including difficult content. You`ll learn what proficient readers do, how to capture student interest, and how to identify difficulties in reading comprehension. Throughout the book you`ll find several tips along the way to aid you in your quest to help learners become lifelong readers. 144pp.

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Comprehension Works Taking Students Beyond Ordinary Understanding Deep Grades


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Comprehension That Works: Taking Students Beyond Ordinary Understanding to Deep Comprehension Grades K-6
