400 Must-Have Words for the TOEFL

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McGraw-Hill`s 400 Must-Have Words for TOEFL is specially designed to help you master the core vocabulary and basic written and spoken language skills required to do well on the TOEFL and pursue a course of study at a North American school, or a school with an English-language curriculum. Based on the authors` years of experience as ESL teachers and their rigorous review of past exams, this book offers proven vocabulary-building activities and exercises. Appropriate for students pursuing all academic disciplines, it features: -400 words in key categories, including food, computers, society, history, finance, politics, friendship, science, the arts, and more-Many skill-building activities and exercises, including paraphrasing, synonym and antonym matching, and prefix and suffix identification-Proven strategies for incorporating new words into everyday vocabulary-Special sections on synonyms, roots, prefixes and suffixes, and sentence structure

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400 Must Words TOEFL


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400 Must-Have Words for the TOEFL
