Summer Report of China Industrial Economic Situation Analysis (2016)

该资源由用户: 坂田玉环 上传  举报不良内容

By analyzing the status quo of the industrial economy, this book argues that the economic growth in China’s industrial economy will continue to decline, with industries becoming segmented more rapidly, profitability slumping, and economic structures being adjusted further. It also provides policy recommendations to promote the healthy development of China’s industrial economy. Using a wealth of data and figures, it assesses the state of China’s industrial economy in 2015 and the prospects for 2016. The perspective of this book is, of course, a Chinese one, thus helping readers to grasp what and how Chinese people think about their country’s industrial economy. As such, it not only represents a valuable resource for academic studies, but will also appeal to all readers with an interest in the aspects discussed.

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Summer Report China Industrial Economic Situation Analysis 2016


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Summer Report of China Industrial Economic Situation Analysis (2016)
