Agile Contracts: Creating and Managing Successful Projects with Scrum

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A methodologically sophisticated, comprehensive approach to applying the Agile fixed-price contract to IT projects while maximizing customer and supplier relationships"Interesting and necessary for IT managers and IT lawyers."?Walter J. Jaburek, Dipl.-Ing., Dr. iur., Dr. techn. Approximately 50 percent of software developers use Scrum, an iterative and incremental development method for managing software projects and product or application development, in their work. The benefit of Scrum and other Agile methods is that they can address shifts in a large project that traditional managerial methods cannot. Written by pioneers and leaders in the field of Agile and Scrum, Agile Contracts is the only book dedicated exclusively to the legal, procurement, and project management considerations of Agile contracts. Providing templates, a toolbox, and examples of Agile fixed-price contracts, the book presents an alternative option to fixed-price, time-based, and supply-based contracts?reducing the risk for both the supplier and the customer with a contract that offers the possibility of flux and flexible scenarios as a project progresses. Agile Contracts features in-depth chapter coverage of: The Agile Manifesto of 2001Agility from the perspective of procurement and the software providerThe problems with traditional fixed-price contracts and time material contractsWhat the Agile fixed-price contract is and how it is set upTendering based on the Agile fixed-price contractHow to negotiate an Agile fixed-price contractSpecial guidelines for the legal framework of an Agile fixed-price contractAdaptable Scope SystemThe Black Swan scenarioContracts and procedures for the featured methodologiesEspecially applicable within highly structured business organizations, Agile Contracts is a must-read for project managers, agile practitioners, procurement representatives, and IT lawyers.Content: Chapter 1 Agility: What Is That? (pages 1–32): Chapter 2 The Missing Piece of the Puzzle (pages 33–46): Chapter 3 What Is an Agile Fixed?Price Contract? (pages 47–72): Chapter 4 Sample of an Agile Fixed?Price Contract (pages 73–108): Chapter 5 Tendering Based on an Agile Fixed?Price Contract (pages 109–136): Chapter 6 Special Requirements for the Legal Framework of an Agile Fixed?Price Contract (pages 137–143): Chapter 7 Guideline for the Negotiation of an Agile Fixed?Price Contract (pages 145–156): Chapter 8 Advantages and Disadvantages of Agile Fixed?Price Contracts (pages 157–184): Chapter 9 Toolbox for Agile Fixed?Price Contracts (pages 185–198): Chapter 10 Practical Examples (pages 199–269):

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Agile Contracts Creating Managing Successful Projects Scrum


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Agile Contracts: Creating and Managing Successful Projects with Scrum
