SketchUp 7.1 for Architectural Visualization: Beginner’s Guide

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Google SketchUp, the most popular architectural software package, is used by millions of architects and visualizers throughout the world. But what you may not know is that it’s also the most powerful 3D design software on the market. With this book in hand and patented technology such as the PhotoMatch, Push-Pull, and Face-me components you can produce commercial quality photo-realistic or artistic output of your designs.This book shows you how to master SketchUp’s unique tools to create architectural visuals using professional rendering and image editing techniques in a clear and friendly way. You’ll be able to get started immediately using these SketchUp tools and open-source rendering software. The book shows you how to create architectural visuals from your SketchUp models. In no time you’ll be creating photo-realistic renders, animated fly-overs, and walkthroughs. You will also create composites of real and rendered images, creating digital and paper presentations to wow clients. For the impatient, a ``Quickstart`` tutorial is provided in the first chapter to get you rendering a photo-realistic scene immediately. The rest of the book builds on this knowledge by introducing in-depth concepts, tricks, and methods in an easy-to-follow format through quick tutorials.

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SketchUp 7.1 Architectural Visualization Beginner Guide


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SketchUp 7.1 for Architectural Visualization: Beginner’s Guide
