Ubuntu for Non-Geeks: A Pain-Free, Project-Based, Get-Things-Done Guidebook

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This newbies guide to Ubuntu - now updated for Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn), the latest Ubuntu release, which puts the spotlight on multimedia enablement and desktop effects - lets readers learn by doing. Using immersion-learning techniques favored by language courses, step-by-step projects build upon earlier tutorial concepts, stimulating the brain and increasing the readers understanding. Ubuntu for Non-Geeks, 2nd Edition covers all the topics likely to be of interest to an average desktop user. Inside, youll learn to:Connect to the Internet and wireless networks Configure your hardware, including printers, scanners, and removable storage devices Watch DVDs, listen to music, and even sync your iPod Tackle more advanced tasks as soon as youre ready Full of tips, tricks, and helpful pointers, Ubuntu for Non-Geeks, 2nd Edition is a hands-on, project-based, take-it slow guidebook intended for those interested in-but nervous about-switching to the Linux operating system. Step-by-step projects build upon earlier tutorial concepts, helping you absorb and apply what youve learned.

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Ubuntu Non Geeks Pain Free Project Based Get Things Done


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Ubuntu for Non-Geeks: A Pain-Free, Project-Based, Get-Things-Done Guidebook
