The rise of the cult of Rembrandt : reinventing an old master in nineteenth-century France

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Rembrandt`s life and art had an almost mythic resonance in nineteenth-century France with artists, critics, and collectors alike using his artistic persona both as a benchmark and as justification for their own goals. This first in-depth study of the traditional critical reception of Rembrandt reveals the preoccupation with his perceived "authenticity," "naturalism," and "naiveté," demonstrating how the artist became an ancestral figure, a talisman with whom others aligned themselves to increase the value of their own work. And in a concluding chapter, the author looks at the play Rembrandt, staged in Paris in 1898, whose production and advertising are a testament to the enduring power of the artist`s myth.

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rise cult Rembrandt reinventing old master nineteenth century France


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The rise of the cult of Rembrandt : reinventing an old master in nineteenth-century France
