Linux Bible: Boot Up to Fedora, KNOPPIX, Debian, SUSE, Ubuntu, and 7 Other Distributions

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* This completely revamped edition covers the familiar Linux flavors as well as some exciting new distributions-Ubuntu, Mepis, Arch Linux, and four others * Ideal for users planning the transition to Linux who want to sample different distributions to see which one best meets their needs * Includes new sections on practical uses for Linux, cool multimedia apps, instant messaging, BitTorrent, and improved security techniques * Valuable information for system administrators who need to set up secure, fully functioning Linux servers * Bonus DVD is the only one on the market to include ten Linux distributions readers can try

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Linux Bible Boot Up Fedora KNOPPIX Debian SUSE Ubuntu Other


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Linux Bible: Boot Up to Fedora, KNOPPIX, Debian, SUSE, Ubuntu, and 7 Other Distributions
