SMT359 - 1 - Introduction to Maxwells Equations

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This book will bring together the introductory ideas about electromagnetism from S207 and the mathematical techniques met in MST207, and show how the synthesis of the two leads to a more powerful and complete understanding of both. It will show how the language of mathematics, and vector calculus in particular, provides a concise framework for description of basic electromagnetic phenomena and the complex spatial relationships that are implicit in them. It will also use the physical phenomena to give meaning to mathematical ideas and techniques that may have been previously encountered in a more abstract context. The endpoint of the book will be Maxwell`s equations for a vacuum, expressed as vector equations.The book will include many opportunities for revision and consolidation of the important basic concepts and techniques, and should provide a sound foundation on which to build your knowledge of this subject.It is recommended that you purchase DVD1 (order code SMT359/DVDR01) with this book.Network Licences:Multi-user licences are not available for our DVD-ROMs. However, multiple copies of the same DVD-ROM may be bought at a discounted price. Please contact OUW Ltd for details.

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SMT359 Introduction Maxwells Equations


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SMT359 - 1 - Introduction to Maxwells Equations
