HTML for Kids: Learn HTML basics in simple steps

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Brajendra Singh, 2015. — 118 p. — ASIN: B0115KQ0AM.One beautiful morning when I was enjoying my freshly brewed coffee and looking forward to a busy, interesting day, my son came to me and asked Dad! How do people create web sites? I heard they use HTML. How can I learn HTML? That day evening, I spent a good time searching a right book for him. It was not a quest for any HTML book, but it was a research to find the right content according to his young age and experience. It was not about finding a book which is complete for HTML, but it was about finding a book which takes him through baby steps to make him comfortable about HTML. I wanted a book which could grow his enthusiasm and curiosity to next level. Unfortunately, I could not find such book.But it motivated us that why should we not write one such book ourselves? We then worked on this book after all our first customer was at our home only. When writing this book, we took special care to keep the learning simple and with full of examples from real world. The kids reading this book will not only learn fundamentals of HTML but also be able to visualize how these fundamentals have been used in real web sites. This book is not a complete reference to HTML but it has been written to make young minds more inquisitive about HTML and inspire them to seek advanced learnings.After reading this book, the kids will be able to talk HTML and write web pages, but most important they would come back and ask Mom, Dad! I want to learn more about HTML?There is no age limit for the reader of this book because curiosity has nothing to do with age. Any person interested in HTML can use this book to understand the basics.After reading this book, the kids will be able to talk HTML and write web pages, but most important they would come back and ask Mom, Dad! I want to learn more about HTML?There is no age limit for the reader of this book because curiosity has nothing to do with age. Any person interested in HTML can use this book to understand the basics.

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HTML Kids Learn basics simple steps


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HTML for Kids: Learn HTML basics in simple steps
