Nutritional Applications in Exercise and Sport (Nutrition in Exercise & Sport)

该资源由用户: 凤凰院杨帅 上传  举报不良内容

A comprehensive compilation of applied topics, Nutritional Applications in Exercise and Sport discusses issues related to the life cycle, group specific nutritional concerns of athletes, and the particular sport of the athlete. It addresses the physically and medically disabled athlete, athletes addicted to alcohol, tobacco, or marijuana, and those with eating disorders. The book concludes with a discussion of the nutritional knowledge of athletes.In this latest addition to the Nutrition in Exercise and Sport series the editors have taken a different approach. The book focuses on the nutritional applications of exercise and sport rather than the usual treatment of nutrient-specific metabolism. Studies and tables clearly illustrate the concepts and provide quick and easy access to the information you need to put theory into practice.Although technical in nature, and the pedagogical writing style makes the book appropriate for coaches and trainers as well as nutritionists. The editors, well-known experts in their fields, have collected a panel of top-notch nutrition experts - making this book not only comprehensive but also authoritative. In addition to supplying hard-to-find information, Nutritional Applications in Exercise and Sport serves as a companion resource to books that take a nutrient/metabolism specific approach.

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Nutritional Applications in Exercise and Sport (Nutrition in Exercise & Sport)
