Schizophrenia into Later Life: Treatment, Research, and Policy

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We are on the verge of a crisis in mental health. Over the next 30 years the number of chronically mentally ill people 55 years of age and older will double. With multiple disorders relating to mental illness and old age, these people will require unique services from a health care system that is ill prepared to deliver them. Schizophrenia Into Later Life: Treatment, Research, and Policy is the first major multidisciplinary reference on this important topicAa landmark work for researchers, service providers, and policy makers. Broad in scope, it discusses the demographic and clinical characteristics of older schizophrenic persons, details treatment approaches, suggests research strategies, and covers the relevant economic and health policy issues. -Unique. The most up-to-date, comprehensive source of information on this understudied group will help community psychiatrists, gerontologists, psychologists, policy makers, and social scientists meet a growing demand for services. -Multidisciplinary. Contributors have backgrounds in both aging and in biological psychiatry, social psychiatry, sociology, anthropology, social work, psychology, and neuropsychology to help professionals plan and deliver integrated services for the best outcome. -Comprehensive. Will serve as the key resource on the subject of schizophrenia in older people, covering epidemiology, biological aspects, psychosocial features, clinical care, and public policy. Today there is a distressing lack of age-appropriate clinical, rehabilitative, or residential programs for older patients with chronic mental illness. Schizophrenia in Later Life: Treatment, Research, and Policy will guide researchers, service providers, and policy makers in creating innovative new programs to help this underserved and growing population.

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Schizophrenia into Later Life Treatment Research Policy


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Schizophrenia into Later Life: Treatment, Research, and Policy
