The System Designers Guide to VHDL-AMS: Analog, Mixed-Signal, and Mixed-Technology Modeling
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Verilog HDL: a guide to digital design and synthesis
Verilog HDL 高级数字设计 Advanced Digital Design with the Verilog HDL
Theory of Sobolev Multipliers: With Applications to Differential and Integral Operators (Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften)
Simplifying Android Development with Coroutines and Flows: Learn how to use Kotlin coroutines and the flow API to handle data
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Unbridling the Tongues of Women: A biography of Catherine Helen Spence
搭建你的数字积木 数字电路与逻辑设计(Verilog HDL&Vivado版)
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A Wildly Seductive Night: (Seductive Nights: Julia & Clay Book 3.5)
Luniversite de Caen aux XVe et XVIe Siecles: Identite et Representation (Education and Society in the Middle Ages and Renaissance) (French Edition)
Design Through Verilog HDL