Simplifying Android Development with Coroutines and Flows: Learn how to use Kotlin coroutines and the flow API to handle data
Mathematica Data Visualization
ESRI GIS building a geodatabase
数据结构与算法分析: Java语言描述=Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java
Python Tools for Data Scientists: Pocket Primer
OpenGL Data Visualization Cookbook: Over 35 hands-on recipes to create impressive, stunning visuals for a wide range of real-time, interactive applications using OpenGL
DAMA-DMBOK: Data Management Body of Knowledge (2nd Edition)
Head First Data Analysis
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Mastering Go create Golang production applications using network libraries, concurrency, and advanced Go data structures
Data Structures for Game Programming
Environmental Data Management at NOAA: Archiving, Stewardship, and Access
玩转大数据:商业分析+运营推广+营销技巧+实战案例 Fun big data: business analysis + marketing promotion + marketing skills + actual case
Effective Pandas: Patterns for Data Manipulation (Treading on Python)
Spss Programming And Data Management: A Guide for Spss And Sas Users