文化与权力: 布尔迪厄的社会学 - Culture and Power: The Sociology of Pierre Bourdieu
Contemporary French Art 1: Eleven Studies. (Faux Titre) (v. 1)
Douze jours : une initiation secrète au mystérieux pays des Dieux
The Hungry Scientist Handbook: Electric Birthday Cakes, Edible Origami, and Other DIY Projects for Techies, Tinkerers, and Foodies
Diététique chinoise de la femme enceinte: De la gestation au post-partum
Eco-Efficiency, Regulation and Sustainable Business: Towards a Governance Structure for Sustainable Development (Esri Studies Series on the Environment)
Die Revolution Von 1848/49
The Engineer’s Project Delivery Method Primer: Uniform Definitions and Case Studies
Oral Performance, Popular Tradition, and Hidden Transcript in Q (Society of Biblical Literature Semeia Studies)
Politics, Poetry, and Sufism in Medieval Iran
Vingt melodies pour chant et piano
Caddie Woodlawn
Seduction Dating - From Shy Guy To Ladies Man - Dating For Men - Memoirs Of A Male Seducer Social Anxiety, Attract Women, Sex, Confidence, Charisma by Chris Bale
Semantic Interpretation and the Resolution of Ambiguity (Studies in Natural Language Processing)
Slave Society In The Danish West Indies: St Thomas, St John And St Croix
Iconography Beyond the Crossroads: Image, Meaning, and Method in Medieval Art
Harper-Scott and Jim Samson. An Introduction to Music Studies