Literature of an Independent England: Revisions of England, Englishness, and English Literature
Statistical Methods for Recommender Systems
Gender and the Changing Face of Higher Education: A Feminized Future? (Srhe and Open University Press Imprint)
Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing: 4th International Conference, Rsctc 2004, Uppsala, Sweden, June 1-5, 2004, Proceedings
Present Tense: A Second Chance- Friends to Lovers Romance
《一万年的爆发 : 文明如何加速人类进化》[美]格雷戈里·柯克伦(Gregory Cochran) / [美]亨利·哈本丁(Henry Harpending)
The Unsexed Mind and Psychological Androgyny, 1790-1848: Radicalism, Reform and Gender in England
Le grand livre de la fertilité : Si la grossesse se fait attendre - Le guide pratique de lAssistance Médicale à la Procréation
Head First Networking (A Brain-Friendly Guide)
Death Comes as the End
When Giants Fall: An Economic Roadmap for the End of the American Era
LLVM Techniques, Tips, and Best Practices Clang and Middle-End Libraries
Zend Framework in Action
Sanskrit-Grammatik Mit Sprachvergleichenden Erlauterungen
LaTeX - Fortgeschrittene Anwendungen
Antigone à vendre
Girl Friend ~ 元氣女友
Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World