A Brief History of Indian Writing in English
English Idioms and Phrasal Verbs - Англо-русский словарь идиом и фразовых глаголов
An outline history of English literature
A History of English Literature (Volume 1)
History of English Literature, Volume 4: Early and Mid-Victorian Prose and Poetry, 1832–1870
新装版 英和学習基本用語辞典 数学 (留学応援シリーズ)= English-Japanese the students dictionary of mathematics
Teach Yourself English Vocabulary (with Audio)
An Illustrated English-Chinese dialogues for everyday English usage 完全图解生活英语口语
Estonian for English Speakers, Level One
Oxford Picture Dictionary (Monolingual English)
History of English Literature, Volume 1: Medieval and Renaissance Literature to 1625
Financial Times金融英语速读 2 (地铁大学) (English Edition)
英汉词典 (An English-Chinese Dictionary)
牛津英语同义词词典 英汉版 The Oxford Study Thesaurus (English-Chinese Edition)
English Phrasal Verbs and Idioms in Exercises (3-е изд. с доп.)
English Success Academy The Advanced Speaking Guide for Scores of 26+ at TOEFL iBT Version 2
English for Academic Research